Wednesday, August 28, 2024

You are not replaceable.

One of the most disheartening comments I ever heard was in an employee training once (many years back), where the speaker said "Everyone is replaceable." The sting. The directness. The idea that I meant nothing more than filling a chair. It was not a thought I liked very well. Those words have been adapted by some employers, as well as people in relationships with someone significant. In my opinion, that is not a healthy way to view people.

When you lose someone you love very much with all your heart and soul, and they are suddenly gone in a tragic moment, you personally realize that person was 100 percent irreplaceable!!!! No one can fill that person's shoes. No one can be who they were to you. No one has their laugh, their smile, their eyes. It is absolutely true. My husband was special to me. He and I started dating when I was only 15 (2 weeks from my 16th Birthday). We shared years of history together. We accomplished goals together. We planned a future together. We made a family with three beautiful children, and our family grew in the course of our 35 year marriage. We shared heartaches, we shared difficulties, survived terrible circumstances, pushed through tough obstacles at times. We shared joys and happiness. We laughed at silly things. We made each other smile. We loved each other intimately. We were hand in hand and side by side through most of our lives. How could my Mike ever be "replaced"?  He can not! He will not! 

You are not replaceable. No one has your personality. No one has your combined experiences and how you learned from each one of them. No one has your DNA. You are an original. There is no carbon copy of you. Please know you are special. You are uniquely you. You bring something to the table no one else can. You have a presence that is yours and when you are with your tribe, you are celebrated. I hope this resonates in  you to give you peace and satisfaction in being the wonderful creation God made when He designed you. 

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