Monday, August 19, 2024

Push like a daisy through old sidewalk cracks

 A favorite song of mine in recent months has been "Wild Flowers and Wild Horses" by Lainey Wilson. One of her lines as she describes how she has gone through hard times and has come a long way since previous ancestral generations blazed trails for her simply says, "I push like a daisy through old sidewalk cracks." I love that imagery. It tells an entire story without even giving much description.

I think of the miraculous wonder of how something beautiful emerges from hard, dry, unmaintained soil and climates. It is the picture of how the cards were stacked against a life, against growth, and yet, somehow, this seed took root and grew anyway. Perhaps it met great challenges to push its way through, but yet it did.

What challenges have you met that seemed to be very difficult?

How did you persevere?

What have you accomplished against all odds?

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