Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The journey of grief

 I lost my sweet husband, Mike, to a car wreck from a reckless driver last year (July 12, 2023). It has been a very painful road. God has been gracious to me through the days and weeks I have walked through the journey of grief.

The grief journey is unpredictable, so often. One minute a person seems fine, smiling, moving forward. The next minute; a song, a photo, a memory, a conversation triggers the feelings of loss and sadness then suddenly tears are streaming hot on their face with no signs of stopping. Please know when you encounter those who are suffering from a loved one dying, they may seem strong at times, but they are every bit as fragile when grief manifests. Seeing them enjoy a good day, a good week, or watching them laugh, it can seem they are doing just fine. And perhaps they are. But please know, it is a moment. Let them enjoy those moments. Keep them in your prayers though, as they will inevitably find sorrow down the road again.. and again. They will move forward. They will treasure their memories. They will sing again, laugh again, smile, enjoy good experiences, and yes… they will cry and their heart will break again. Grief is a continuous journey of healing and that is how it is.

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