Monday, June 4, 2018

Uniquely You

If we spend our lives trying to fit a mold of someone else, we are wasting our time and energy. You're not meant to be anyone else but you. We are born unique from anyone else. One of my favorite quotes is, "You're born an original, don't die a copy." - John Mason. I am also inspired by a quote by Ashley Graham: "I felt free once I realized I was never going to fit the narrow mold that society wanted me to fit in." Ashley has inspired so many women because she is a beautiful model who is not a size 2 or 6. She has shown the world that you do not have to be skinny and bony to be beautiful.

Life can be so harsh and unkind to us sometimes. Why do we try so hard to please others? I think that is why I love being around the folks that just love me for me and around those who allow me to be myself and accept me with my flaws and quirks. It's such a good feeling to have moments of self acceptance and knowing that we do not have to always strive at being better, but rather allowing ourselves to just be.

My Mom once told me , "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all the people all the time."  I never forgot those words. As a manager, a leader, a Mom, a sister, a friend, and everything else I am to everyone I know, I have seen that statement proven true. It's not my job to be perfect. It's not my job to fit someone's unrealistic ideals. It's not my job to please every single person in my life. Though I may give it my best shot, there is no possible way to accomplish that unrealistic goal.

So.... today's challenge, if you're reading this is to give yourself a break and just be uniquely you! Celebrate your strengths. Appreciate your gifts. Be kind to yourself. Accept yourself.  Play your favorite song on your song list, and have a great day!

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