Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ain't nobody got time for that!

This has been a phrase used over and over this past year in 2013. It has been used to make people laugh, and yet make very good points regarding the petty, strange, and undesirable issues that come up among family, friends, and work colleagues.

I have decided that this year I am focusing on what really matters to me and the people I care about.  If it is petty, useless, ignorant, or trivial, then in the words of Sweet Brown, "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

Why worry about people who gossip about you? Celebrate the ones who notice your achievements and accomplishments and speak well of you instead!

Why worry about people who act like you do not matter. Celebrate and appreciate the people who cannot manage without you and who miss you when you are away! Realize to whom you matter most!

Why worry about financial matters?  Be diligent. Work hard. Do your best. Worry less.

Why worry about your insecurities? Count your blessings and realize your greatest attributes and what separates you from the rest. Celebrate your differences! They make you "YOU"!!

Do not compare yourselves to others!  You are a one of a kind baby!!!! Love yourself. Love others.

And remember, regarding the negatives....."Ain't nobody got time for that!"


Unknown said...

Good point sister! Enjoy more and worry less, then pray about everything!

Janna said...

thanks for the feed back sis.